Don’t Forget to…

July 30, 2024

Mission Statement of Lupe Encinas, Candidate for Glendale City Council – Yucca District

I want to hold more public discussions where our residents can speak freely, ask questions, and share their thoughts and concerns. I want to make possible an informed community whose members are aware of programs and resources that can benefit them and their families’ daily existence.

I support and will always represent the interests of small business owners in our community! I believe that small businesses are the backbone of our local economy. For our neighborhoods to prosper, small businesses must prosper.

Owners of small businesses don’t just give back, although we do that, too. We are involved in all aspects of living in the West Valley, and are hands-on. I pledge to be the voice of the small business community.

I will work closely with our first responders to learn what they need to make their work more effective and less stressful. We need additional police officers, including resource officers, and fire department personnel in our community. Those needs will only increase as Westgate expands and new entertainment attractions are established nearby. Every Glendale district has unique needs, but the Yucca District is faced with some particularly vigorous challenges. The vitality of small business cannot afford to wither as large business explodes. Together we can create an environment where we all contribute to a sustainable, prosperous way of life.

Please donate to
Lupe’s campaign

Please make checks payable to
Committee to Elect Lupe Encinas
Mail to:
Lupe Encinas
7153 N. 59th Ave.
Glendale AZ, 85301

Contributions to Committee to Elect Lupe Encinas for Glendale City Council are not deductible as a charitable donation for Federal Income tax purposes. Individuals may contribute up to $6,650 per election cycle and a couple may contribute $13,300 per election cycle. PAC’s may contribute up to $6,650. Contributions from corporations, LLC’s, labor unions and foreign nationals are prohibited. Arizona law requires that Committee to Elect Lupe Encinas’ best efforts to obtain and report full name, residence address and primary employer of an individual making a contribution.

Paid for by Committee to Elect Lupe Encinas


Lauren Tolmachoff – Realtor® – West USA Realty
Lupe Encinas is a successful entrepreneur, launching multiple small businesses that have grown and thrived under her leadership. She has an incredible work ethic and is always willing to share her time and talent with multiple organizations that serve our community. The most important thing to know about Lupe is that she approaches every situation with integrity and grace. Lupe grew up in Glendale and has been engaged in community service since she was an early teen. She was not “asked” to run for City Council. She stepped up because she loves Glendale and wants to serve this community. I proudly endorse Lupe Encinas for Glendale City Council/Yucca District.

As a lifelong Glendale resident and a ten-year member of the Glendale City Council, I am proud to endorse Lupe Encinas for election to the City Council.
Lupe has grown up in Glendale, attended Glendale schools, raised her family in Glendale, and she and her husband make their living in downtown Glendale. Lupe’s connection to our community and her business experience are much needed on the Glendale City Council.
A thoughtful pragmatist, Lupe understands that solving local problems and representing her neighbors requires the willingness to listen and the courage to act.
I am happy to give my wholehearted endorsement to Lupe Encinas for the Yucca District seat on the Glendale City Council!

Bart Turner

Glendale Councilmember, Barrel District

I endorse Lupe Encinas for Glendale City Council – Yucca District

Kenn Weise

Mayor of Avondale

To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to endorse Lupe Encinas for the Glendale City Council formally. Lupe brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the table, making her an exceptional choice to represent her district’s interests.
As a multi-business owner with Goodies Glass, Cactus State Insurance, and Pink Door Tea House, Lupe has demonstrated her entrepreneurial acumen and commitment to serving the community’s needs. Her diverse portfolio of businesses speaks to her versatility and ability to navigate various sectors, which will undoubtedly be an asset.
Furthermore, Lupe’s involvement in the Westside Recreation Program underscores her passion for supporting children and families. Her dedication to this cause exemplifies her compassion and commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others. By advocating for programs that uplift and empower our youth, Lupe has already shown her readiness to champion the well-being of her community.
In conclusion, I am confident that Lupe’s integrity, experience, and passion make her an outstanding candidate for City Council.

Mike Pineda

City of Avondale, Vice Mayor

The Glendale Chamber of Commerce endorses Lupe Encinas.

Glendale Chamber of Commerce

I have known Lupe for several years and remain amazed at her ability to achieve her goals. She is an accomplished multi-tasker, mastering everything from carpool to business budgets. She is a one-woman chamber of commerce, establishing multiple successful business endeavors. As a Glendale native, she will benefit the City when she turns those skills and energy to city government. The fact that she is willing to serve Glendale and bring her perspectives from culture to zoning should be welcomed with open arms. Glendale needs her. I am unabashedly fully supporting Lupe.

Glenn Hickman

President, CEO, Hickman’s Family Farms

I wholeheartedly endorse Lupe Encinas for the Yucca District seat on the Glendale City Council. I have witnessed her business acuity and community service first hand. Lupe cares deeply for Glendale businesses and residents. She will listen to everyone and represent her district and the City of Glendale with fair and impartial decision making. She will be a public servant and not a self-servant. She is an intelligent and compassionate person, who will be a positive advocate for building an even better city in the future.

Yvonne Knaack

As a resident of Glendale in the days when it was still a small Arizona town, I am happy to endorse Lupe Encinas for Glendale City Council. Lupe brings with her a commitment to hard work and honest business practices. She and her husband, Ignacio (“Nacho”), have proven themselves to be capable successful small business owners, devoted parents, and the kind of citizens that are sorely needed all through the Valley. Lupe’s intelligence and willingness to learn are matched only by her graciousness and her diplomacy. Glendale really needs Lupe right now, especially as the city continues to expand. I hope everyone within the Yucca District has the opportunity to experience what a genuinely skilled leader can do for the community.
Gertie Hickman

Hickman’s Family Farms

Lupe is one of the finest people I have the privilege to know. She is one of the most hard-working, kind, intelligent and fair people I know. I’ve watched her grow in her businesses – and add more and continue to succeed at all of them. She and her husband are raising their sons to be fine young gentlemen with the same hard work ethic as they have. I’ve never once seen her angry or aggressive – she is always cool-headed and reasonable, even when she is pushed to her limits. There is no ‘stop’ in this woman – she continues past the point where most people would stop. I’ve never heard her say something was ‘too hard’ – honestly, I don’t think anything is ‘too hard’ for her. She is the epitome of grace under pressure and never seems to grow tired. Glendale needs Lupe Encinas – she’ll bring kindness back and the get the hard work done with a smile on her face.
Natalie Stahl

Owner, , Virginia's House

I proudly endorse Lupe Encinas to represent the Yucca District in Glendale. She is a champion of every community need, starting with our youth. The Pink Door Tea House in Glendale that includes her heritage of vibrant passion for all, is testament to her commitment to economic and social growth, while maintaining history. Her ability to represent all residents that prefer Spanish, encourages more voices to be heard.

I raise my “Jarrito” to Lupe Encinas!

Sharman Lupita Hickman

Hickman's Family Farms

On behalf of the West & Southeast REALTORS® of the Valley – West Valley Chapter, a trade organization representing the interests of more than 25,000 real estate professionals throughout the association – Congratulations on receiving our official endorsement!

West & Southeast REALTORS® of the Valley

Lupe Encinas — her capabilities go beyond explanation or expectations! She is a perfect fit for Glendale City Council in so may ways. I know my list is long, but I will just sum it up to the following:
1. She is professional.
2. She has integrity.
3. Due to her morals and ethics, she is overall without a doubt the best person to represent the Yucca District on the Glendale City Council.

Michelle Rodriguez

As somebody who has worked for many decades in a B2B environment, I have had the pleasure to experience someone who amazes me with her ability to very successfully and ethically oversee multiple and diverse businesses with calm efficiency. She is a skilled administrator in all her businesses delegating responsibilities. She is a master at recruiting the optimal subordinates to manage daily operations, giving her the space to apply her skills to the Glendale City Council.
She also is a very attentive and emotionally present mother of a fine family. There is no question in my mind that Lupe Encinas will be a valuable addition to the Glendale City Council for the Yucca District.

David Serey

President,, SereyJones Publishers, Inc.

The problem with writing an endorsement for Lupe Encinas is there are not enough accolades to describe this amazing young woman. She is smart. She is hard-working. She is creative. She is ethical. She has a great business mind and is a superb business owner and boss. She is a dedicated parent, and volunteers whenever needed by her sons’ schools. She is uniquely qualified to serve on the Glendale City Council. She is a natural leader who also works exceptionally well as a member of a team. She is contributes to the community, and is truly committed to the betterment of Glendale.

These things are all true about Lupe. But the one quality that should probably be mentioned first and foremost is that she is one of the most gracious, engaging, and warm people you will ever sit across from in a contentious meeting or an emotionally-charged room. She is a true diplomat who is motivated by her desire for the common good of her community. Lupe is the real deal.

Jody Serey

Writer and Editor,, SereyJones Publishers, Inc.

I’ve known Lupe Encinas for couple years. Being a owner of many businesses in Phoenix we need a person so responsible and dedicated like Lupe to help us grow in our communities. She is an inspiration to me and I believe being a mother, wife and business woman is the biggest blessing and proves it is possible if you focus and work in balance with your time! Lupe is the perfect example that consistency and perseverance is the absolute way to reach our dreams!

Samira Jabbar

Owner, , SAMIRA’S World Boutique

As a resident of Glendale for more than 25 years and a business owner, I have known Lupe Encinas for eight years. She is simply one of the most ethical individuals I know. She owns and runs several successful businesses in the Glendale area, and although they keep her busy, she is passionate about her community. Lupe wants to make Glendale even better, so she is running for a city council position in the Yucca District.
Lupe Encinas is not an outsider. She is a true leader who will fight to make a difference in her community.
She is not someone who will tell constituents what they want to hear in order to get their vote, and then forget them. Lupe Encinas is a well-qualified and perfect candidate for Glendale City Council, Yucca District. Therefore, I am endorsing Lupe without reservation for this position as I know she will do great things.

Victoria Mikoch

A Very Private Eye,, Research and Investigations

Lupe Encinas is the bright light Glendale needs. I have had the pleasure of knowing Lupe for nearly 10 years and I watch her face every challenge with grace and patience. She is giving, kind and honest…all the things you should look for in a friend and someone speaking for the community. Her drive is one I can only dream to have! Success for Glendale means success for the entire West Valley and Lupe is ALWAYS the one to get things done. She is an outstanding advocate for the entire City of Glendale. Vote Lupe!

Brooke Schiavone

Z's Fine Jewelry

Thanks for being there for us and always supporting the community and never giving up and always making family first and your community.
Eva Otero

Owner, , Clean Stitch LLC

Lupe Encinas is a strong and ambitious business owner here in Arizona. She is sensitive to her community and wants to help and be available to do what’s necessary for the community. She also loves to come alongside other business owners to support them and any of their projects.
Wendy Terrell

I am honored to offer my enthusiastic endorsement for Lupe Encinas in her campaign for City Council. Having had the privilege of witnessing Lupe as a community business leader, I can attest to her exceptional leadership qualities, unwavering dedication, and profound commitment to serving our community.

Throughout the time I have known Lupe, I have watched her consistently go above and beyond to address the needs and concerns of the people in our community. Her passion for public service is evident in every initiative she has undertaken, whether it’s advocating for improved organization, championing educational opportunities for all, or promoting economic development initiatives that benefit local businesses and residents alike.

What truly sets Lupe apart is their genuine care and compassion for the people she serves. She is always willing to listen, empathize, and take action to address the diverse needs of our community.

I have full confidence that Lupe will bring integrity, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to her service to our community. With her leadership, I am convinced that our city will continue to thrive and prosper. I wholeheartedly endorse Lupe for City Council and urge all residents to join me in supporting her candidacy.

Katreena Hayes-Wood

Owner, , Career Services Network, LLC

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